Yoga For Energy

Yoga For Energy

I was feeling super sluggish this morning when I woke up and my muscles were aching. My chimp was begging me to stay in bed but I didn’t listen. 

Wednesday mornings are tough for this yoga teacher. On a Tuesday I work all day in the office, then make my way to Oval where I drown out the sound of the noisy gym with earplugs and take myself through an hours yoga practice. Afterwards an hours teaching, but this is no ordinary class. There are no doors on the studio, the gym music is playing, the weight machines are clanging, people start working out in the back of the studio and whilst holding the yogis in downward facing dog I kindly ask them to leave. It’s as challenging for me to teach as it is for the yogis to find the stillness in their practice. I make it home after 10pm at which I can’t help but eat anything in my fridge, I know I shouldn’t eat this late at night as whilst I’m sleeping my body should be healing and cleansing not working to digest the food I’ve eaten. 

So I wake up sluggish, with a belly full of food, knowing I have to cycle up the hill 30 mins to Hampstead to teach yoga. So I roll out of bed and roll out my mat. Happy baby and the reclining twists feel invigorating and refreshing but as I move into downward facing dog I feel the tiredness in my body, my nose becomes congested (recent flu) and I am unable to breathe. It’s stop start for the next ten minutes with regular nose blowing and hushing the voice in my head saying to meditate and rest. As my body begins to flow through a few Surya Namaskar (sun salutations) my muscles begin to wake up and I start feeling strong again. The standing and balancing postures bring focus and clarity, the fog in my head is lifting. I feel the energy flowing freely in my seated postures as I stretch and breathe into the sides of my torso and my hamstrings.

I feel like a different person even after just a short 45 minute practice, fully energised, ready for the day and the cycle up to Hampstead. And I know the dread for the cycle is all in my mind, once my legs are peddling, my heart starts racing and the breath comes in thick and fast I will feel totally alive and exhilarated. It’s a beautiful cycle, with Hampstead Heath to my right calling me to venture onto its paths. Nothing beats that sense of achievement when I arrive at my destination.

It’s all downhill on the way home with wind blowing through my hair and the coolness of the air tickling my skin whilst my legs rest on the pedals not having to do any work.

P.S I beat the clock and made it in 23 mins

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