Backbending & Myofascial Release WorkShop

Suitable for all levels.

Who is this workshop for?
Students who have any or all of the following:

  • Enjoy backbends
  • Want to improve their flexibility
  • Have ever had an injury they still feel in their body
  • Wants to relax
  • Has muscle imbalances
  • Wants to learn about myofascial release 

Props Needed
You will need 2 tennis balls and a brick block for use during the workshop. Please have a blanket and cushion too if you have 

backbending and myofascial release workshop flyer

Myofascial Release is a technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion and flexibility. 

Using props such as blocks and balls we will work on opening the areas of the body that may limit our backbends such as quadriceps, psoas and chest. You will learn techniques that you can practice at home. We will combine this with a physical asana practice trying out different backbending poses.

With regular self myofascial release along with a yoga practice you will see increased flexibility, function, and performance of the body.

Some of the benefits of Myofascial release include:

  • ​Corrects Muscle Imbalances.
  • Improves Joint Range of Motion
  • Relieves Muscle Soreness and Joint Stress.
  • Increases blood flow to the muscles and releases toxins trapped in the tissues.
  • Maintains normal functional muscular length
  • Release stored emotions through somatic recall
  • Speeds up the healing process for injuries