Yoga with Charli Blog

These blog posts are from the early days of my yoga teaching journey. Writing them was a joy, and revisiting them while updating my website brought back so many memories. I may start writing new posts soon… stay tuned!

My Journey

Yoga changed my life and I was searching for that freedom I felt from my practice more and more. I got myself a bicycle and used that to commute to work. I felt exhilarated and refreshed every day. I started to seek out more meaningful experiences from life and took myself travelling to Latin America.

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So Here’s The Truth…..I Don’t Like Backbends.

Then there is the wave of emotion that comes along, the stuff that’s locked inside me that I don’t want to feel, probably the main reason I don’t like those poses. The stuff I need to work through, to release and let go of, the old heartbreaks, lost friendships, family feuds, a feeling of not being enough, the stuff that hardens me if I keep it inside.

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Yoga For Energy

So I wake up sluggish, with a belly full of food, knowing I have to cycle up the hill 30 mins to Hampstead to teach yoga. So I roll out of bed and roll out my mat. Happy baby and the reclining twists feel invigorating and refreshing but as I move into downward facing dog I feel the tiredness in my body, my nose becomes congested (recent flu) and I am unable to breathe.

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Yoga For The Homeless

At the end she told me she thought she had gone to heaven and back and then energy of the room was outstanding, that it had been the highlight of her Christmas.

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Yoga On The Rocks

The day was extremely challenging and enlightening as it made me appreciate how the skills I have learnt from yoga and meditation can be useful to call upon in other areas of my life, and how it has helped me become a more calm and relaxed person.

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