Category Archives: Uncategorized

So Here’s The Truth…..I Don’t Like Backbends.

ustrasana camel pose

Then there is the wave of emotion that comes along, the stuff that’s locked inside me that I don’t want to feel, probably the main reason I don’t like those poses. The stuff I need to work through, to release and let go of, the old heartbreaks, lost friendships, family feuds, a feeling of not being enough, the stuff that hardens me if I keep it inside.

Yoga For Energy

So I wake up sluggish, with a belly full of food, knowing I have to cycle up the hill 30 mins to Hampstead to teach yoga. So I roll out of bed and roll out my mat. Happy baby and the reclining twists feel invigorating and refreshing but as I move into downward facing dog I feel the tiredness in my body, my nose becomes congested (recent flu) and I am unable to breathe.